“All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them.” - Walt Disney

Friday, August 31, 2012


Dear Rose Birthdays are a great time to remember that God creates some beautiful people. You are one of the best I know.  Happy birthday

Daughter like you is a gifted only to the blessed and the fortunate. On your Birthday today, we proudly declare that we are the most fortunate parents in the whole world. Happy Birthday sweet Daughter Rose!

You have been the rock solid support of our lives from the day you were born. We simply can't imagine living without you. Happy Birthday dear daughter.

For us your Birthday means a lot more than just you turning a year older. It is the day many years back on which everything in our life changed forever. You're our good luck, good fortune and guardian angel. May you shine. Happy Birthday girl.

God knew you even before you were born and he loves you.  Let's celebrate God's plan for your life on your birthday, the day it all started.

As amazing of a person as you are, God gets the glory because He allowed you to be born.  It's His love that is easily seen poured out on the lives you touch.

It's easy to see that your birth is part of God's master plan.  He is using you for a great purpose.  Wishing you a great birthday in His love.

Take most of your time today to thank the Almighty God for all the blessing you have received so far; but one thing I know is that you will have the peace and the joy of your salvation. There's no better gift than this in your entire life.

God knew you before you were born, and he had great plans for you.  I believe he still has many more great plans for your life. Grace and Emmanuel continue  to wish you a happy birthday and we will continue to pray for your life to be a light to the world. We are wishing you a birthday filled with the brightness of God's love for us.  Your life is important enough for him to sacrifice for you. May you live to see many more Birthdays full of joy, hope, prosperity, good fortune, kindness, benevolence and success. Happy Birthday. 

We will love you always  from your parents

 (Grace and Emmanuel) 

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