“All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them.” - Walt Disney

Sunday, April 3, 2011


                                                SERMON ON THE MOUNT
A. Thinking in two directions.

-As it is, or interpreting it
-The gospel can help answer questions
B. The disciples are being called to the deeper faithfulness of the heart.
              C. Welcoming the letter of the law.
              D. He wants us, not what we have.
              E. The words, “I NEVER KNEW YOU”!!
F.  Jesus is calling his disciples to a personal relationship   with God.
              G. Questions???

Here we learn of the Sermon on the Mount.  Thinking in two directions; first the key to understanding the entire sermon of the mount. What it meant.

And second, how we interpret it. Do we take it word for word that we have to be as perfect as it says, or do we have to do our best to stay in track of what we are supposed to do? I read a book that asks this question “is anyone as perfect as God?” A statement that fits very well in this matter. So how we interpret the Sermon of the Mount should be in such a way that can be legalistic. Jesus is calling his disciples to a personal relationship with God. What true relationships are made of. True relationships are not made of based on what you have, or what you can do, or the things we do because one day, all of those things will be lost and once those things are gone, so is your relationship.

Jesus caution us not to build our relationship with God that easy or with things we have or what we do, Because once they are gone, our relationship with God is gone too.  He wants us not what we have. He does not care if we are rich or poor but the faith in him, our love for him and how we really mean it is what he cares about.  The relationship based on who we are will last forever.

My application to this is as follows. Some of the questions asked were: How can I open myself to know God personally? I might have been far away from God for a while now but as I start staying in a group of people in bible study, deeper, youth group I find God as this person that I want to know fully. But how do I start? Where do I begin with? Will he listen to me or am I still a sinner in front of his eyes? Such questions may come up but I know if I just believe in him and open up, he is going to take me in.

 How can I escape the words “I NEVER KNEW YOU”?? These words are so harsh to hear and mostly from God himself, it’s the total rejection that maybe you have been doing it to others all the time but how do you escape it. That’s the question we are left with; it’s up to us to find a way to escape that statement!!!

Rose Turuka                                                 KCHS

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