“All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them.” - Walt Disney
Monday, December 31, 2012
Are you satisfied
with your Life?
Year 2012 has
been a challenging year to me personally and my family. I started it nursing
many body ailments, which include the threat of loosing eyesight, excruciating
lower back and abdominal pain etc. Then my mother went to be with the Lord and
for the first time I saw myself as an orphan. The missional work I have
been involved in both in Tanzania and here in the US seemed to be grinding to a
halt due to my ill health and other challenges.
This is my
first time in more than fifty years that I had plenty of time to think, read
(when pain was not a hindrance), pray and examine many issues. One of the
issues I thought about deeply and at length was how satisfied with life the
people I interacted with (in Tanzania most of 2011 and in USA in 2012) were.
I asked the
following question to a number of people I interacted with in the last two
years: Are you satisfied with your life?
I found out
that many people are not satisfied, especially those who seem to be well off,
like me:
- There are married people who aren’t satisfied with being married.
- There are single people who aren’t satisfied with being single.
- There are people who are not satisfied with their children
- There are people who are not satisfied with their jobs
- There are people who are not satisfied with their income
- There are people who are not satisfied with their health
- There are people who are not satisfied with their physical appearance.
millionaires do not seem very satisfied these days. A number of them have so
much security to guard against kidnapping or attack that they become prisoners
in their own homes, always afraid, always fearful of some disaster striking
an awful way to live!
Let me ask you a similar
question: Are you satisfied with your life?
Whether you are living in a
“developed’ or “developing” world, the global nature of the modern world
exposes all of us, for example, to following crises:
The crisis of purpose - Physical
breakdowns, loss of parents, the surrender of youthful dreams and forced
retirements are making Boomers (in U.S a baby boomer is a person who was
born during the demographic post – World War 11 boom between the
years 1946 and 1964). “What else is there?”
The crisis of disillusionment
- The ideals of the 1960s in U.S. and Africa (big hopes subsequent to
attaining independence) seem to be unrealized as the world goes from crisis to
crisis. Many people are asking, “Is changing the world even possible or has
cynicism won the day?”
The crisis of priorities -
Consumer culture claims you can have it all, but there are too many choices,
too much debt and too little time. “Can anyone really have it all?”
4. The crisis of relationships – “Should
anyone say forever?” For those with children, the answer seems to be no. Some
people have not spoken with their children for years.
5. The crisis of loneliness – Modern people
value their freedom and autonomy, but they still seek connection, conversation
and community. “Where do you find meaningful relationships in a superficial
6. The crisis of security - Economic
uncertainty has led to spiritual anxiety. The goal of a comfortable retirement
is becoming more elusive. “What price happiness?”
7. The crisis education – Many people see
education as a passport out of poverty for that reason they seek with all their
might- they are not dissatisfied with education opportunities for themselves
and or their children.
8. The crisis of media – In a globalized
world, many people is gripped with the fear of the influence of
media on their children.
9. The crisis
of spirituality - Organized religion has given way to a
nebulous spirituality. Where do you find something rock solid for your life in
a world that is falling apart?”
the above sound familiar?
Here are quotes from different
important people (who identify with Christianity) regarding satisfaction in
George Reeves (a star in one of the
most popular programs on television programs in USA in the 1950s) said: “fame
and fortune don’t ultimately satisfy”.
Harvard Professor Clayton Christensen
(Harvard Business School professor) reminds us: “professional
success and personal happiness are two very different things”.
Malcolm Muggeridge (was an
English journalist, author, media personality, and satirist. During World War
II, he was a soldier and a spy) said: “you cannot rationalize your
way out of meaninglessness.”
Oprah Winfrey said: “things”
don’t ultimately satisfy.
Tim Tebow (the quarter back of Denver
Broncos the winners of 2012 American NFL Super ball
championship) said: “you cannot rely on sports victories to bring you
Whether you live in a “developed” or
“developing” world, the good news is that we can get
satisfaction. The gospel (John 6:1-21) shows us the way. A large crowd of
people had followed Jesus into the wilderness where he proceeded to teach them
about the kingdom of God. Time seemed to stand still when these folks were in
the presence of Jesus…so that all of a sudden it was late afternoon, every
person in the crowd was hungry and the nearest restaurant was miles away.
this instance, like it is always when it comes to feeding a large hungry crowd
where there is not enough food, feeding the crowd presented a problem. Thanks
to the generosity of a boy, the disciples were able to come up with five barley
loaves and two fish, by no means enough to satisfy the hunger of such a large
crowd. Jesus took the little they gave him, blessed it with his presence, and
ordered it distributed to the crowd. The bible says that the people “ate as
much as they wanted” and “were satisfied.”
This miracle is not about Jesus becoming a bread king, as
John’s Gospel makes clear. For soon after the miracle, the people approach
Jesus and say, “Sir, give us this bread always.” And Jesus, knowing full well
they had gotten the meaning of the miracle all wrong, says to them, “I am the
bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes
in me will never be thirsty.”
Jesus is here saying that he wants to satisfy our deepest
need–satisfy us in a way that nothing else in the world can do.
The truth is that spiritual meaning
is found in Jesus. There is only one person who can satisfy the deepest desires
of your heart and that is Jesus. Whatever the hunger in your heart, Jesus is
your ultimate source of satisfaction.
As we begin 2013, let us appropriate
what the bible tells us, “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed
is the man who takes refuge in him.” (Psalm 34:8).
also must remain in JESUS, our Lord and Friend who promised, “If you
remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing ……..If you
remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be
done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing
yourselves to be my disciples. (John 15:5-8)
As Christians
we get satisfaction with life if we remain in Jesus and be faithful to the
Mission as His DISCIPLE.
Yours in Christ,
By Rev.Aba Mpesha
Arbor, MI 48108-1539, USA,
Email:abampesha1@gmail.com, December 31, 2012)
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Dear brethren,
Greetings in the name of
our Lord Jesus Christ!
As we celebrate this 2012
Christmas and expectantly look forward for the new Year, God is
reminding to Rise above worry by totally depending on Him because
“For to us a child is born ---called Wonderful
Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince
of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6) and “the... Controller of all
things.” (1 Timothy 6:15)
We all worry from time to
time, but followers of Jesus Christ, whose birth we celebrate this season, have
learned to avoid over-anxiety by totally depending on Jesus Christ. And the
following guidelines have proved helpful to many believers:
1. Define
the situation clearly. What exactly is it you are worrying
about? Be specific. Often when we take time to clarify the problem, a way to
solve it will present itself.
2. Face
the worst that can happen. Would you lose your job? Your
relationship? Your investment? In most cases even if the worst did happen,
chances are it would not ruin you. It may be inconvenient or painful, but does
it really warrant all the anxiety you are giving it?
3. Resolve
to accept the outcome, whatever it is. Most of the stress of
worry comes from denial, from not being willing to face the worst that could
happen. Once you make up your mind to accept whatever happens, you will find
worry loses its power over you.
4. Work to
improve the situation. An African proverb goes, “Chance will
not favor you if you are not in motion.” Even the Bible encourages us do all we
can to ensure the best possible outcome when Paul said in Ephesians 6:13-
“...after you have done everything... stand.” We must “Stand on God's promises”!
5. Give
the problem to God. He's 'the... controller of all things'. The Psalmist said,
'Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken
those who seek you' (Psalm 9:10 NIV). Remember, nothing can happen to you
today, or any other day, that God is not aware of, in control of, and able to
bring you through.
We can follow these
guidelines with confidence,
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the
government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful
Counselor, Mighty God, EverlastingFather, Prince of Peace. Of
the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will
reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding
it with Justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zealof
the Lord Almighty will
accomplish this. (Isaiah 9:6 –7)
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Aba Mpesha
4198 Packard St, Apt #3
Ann Arbor, MI 48108-1539
My Birthday Prayer
Thank you, God, for giving me another year of life.
Thank you for all the people who remembered me today
by sending cards, and letters, gifts and good wishes.
Thank you for all the people who remembered me today
by sending cards, and letters, gifts and good wishes.
Thank you, Lord, for all the experiences that you gave me this past year.
Thank you for the success that will always be happy memories for me.
Thank you for the failures that molded me to be stronger
and drove me to come closer to you.
and drove me to come closer to you.
Thank you for all the happiness that gave me time to celebrate.
Thank you for all the sadness that reminded me of my weaknesses
and made me realized that I really need you
Thank you for all the sadness that reminded me of my weaknesses
and made me realized that I really need you
Forgive me, Lord, for all my shortcomings.
Forgive me for all the chances that I failed to take
and for all the opportunities that I missed this year.
and for all the opportunities that I missed this year.
Help me
in the days ahead to make this the best year yet,
and through it to bring good credit to myself, happiness and pride to my loved ones, and joy to you
and through it to bring good credit to myself, happiness and pride to my loved ones, and joy to you
Lord, please
give me more strength to face all the challenges that lies ahead of me.
Please help me in the days ahead that I may make this year the best year for me
Monday, December 17, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Mungu ni Mmoja: Anaitwa Allah, Brahman, Chiuta, Ruwa na Kadhalika
Professor Mbelle akingurumisha vuvuzela
Uzuri wa kuwa na blogu yako ni kuwa hutawaliwi na mtu katika
kuamua nini cha kuandika. Uamuzi wote ni wako. Nimesema kabla kuwa katika blogu
yangu hii, masuala ambayo yanasemwa kuwa ni nyeti, kama dini, ni ruksa
kujadiliwa. Tena sio tu ruksa, bali muhimu kujadiliwa.
Leo napenda kutoa hoja kuwa Mungu ni mmoja: anaitwa Allah, Brahman, Chiuta, Ruwa, na kadhalika, kutokana na kuwepo kwa lugha nyingi hapa duniani. Huyu ndiye aliye juu ya yote, mwenye uwezo wote, kama inavyosemwa katika ki-Arabu, "Allahu akbar." Ni dhana ya msingi katika dini zetu.
Kama wewe ni mu-Islam, halafu unasema kuwa Allah ni tofauti na Mungu wanayemwabudu wa-Kristu, au Mungu wanayemwabudu wa-Hindu, jichunguze upya, kwani utakuwa unasema kuna miungu zaidi ya mmoja. Utakuwa unaongelea kuwepo kwa mungu mwingine zaidi ya Allah. U-Islam hautambui kuwepo kwa Mungu mwingine zaidi ya Allah.
Kama wewe ni m-Kristu, halafu unasema kuwa Mungu unayemwabudu ni tofauti na Allah, basi inabidi ujichunguze, kwa misingi hiyo hiyo. U-Kristu hautambui kuwepo kwa mungu zaidi ya huyu ambaye sisi wa-Kristu tunayemwabudu, ambaye kwa ki-Arabu huitwa Allah. Usishangazwe na jina Allah. Wa-Kristu ambao ni wa-Arabu nao hutumia jina Allah, wakimaanisha Mungu, kama nilivyowahi kusema katika blogu hii.
Huyu Mungu mmoja anatajwa kwa majina mbali mbali kufutana na lugha. Wa-Tumbuka wa Malawi na Zambia humwita Chiuta. Wa-Hindu humwita Brahman. Wa-Kamba na wa-Kikuyu humwita Ngai. Wachagga humwita Ruwa.
Hoja yangu ni kuwa majina yote hayo yanamtaja Mungu huyu huyu. Muumini anayeamini kuwa kuna Mungu mmoja tu, sherti akubali na azingatie hilo. Ni ushahidi kuwa Mungu alijitambulisha kwa wanadamu duniani kote tangu mwanzo kabisa.
Nimeona nitoe mawazo yangu, kwa uhuru kabisa, kwani ni haki yangu. Kama kuna anayetaka kuyajadili au kuyapinga, namkaribisha kwa mikono miwili kufanya hivyo.
Leo napenda kutoa hoja kuwa Mungu ni mmoja: anaitwa Allah, Brahman, Chiuta, Ruwa, na kadhalika, kutokana na kuwepo kwa lugha nyingi hapa duniani. Huyu ndiye aliye juu ya yote, mwenye uwezo wote, kama inavyosemwa katika ki-Arabu, "Allahu akbar." Ni dhana ya msingi katika dini zetu.
Kama wewe ni mu-Islam, halafu unasema kuwa Allah ni tofauti na Mungu wanayemwabudu wa-Kristu, au Mungu wanayemwabudu wa-Hindu, jichunguze upya, kwani utakuwa unasema kuna miungu zaidi ya mmoja. Utakuwa unaongelea kuwepo kwa mungu mwingine zaidi ya Allah. U-Islam hautambui kuwepo kwa Mungu mwingine zaidi ya Allah.
Kama wewe ni m-Kristu, halafu unasema kuwa Mungu unayemwabudu ni tofauti na Allah, basi inabidi ujichunguze, kwa misingi hiyo hiyo. U-Kristu hautambui kuwepo kwa mungu zaidi ya huyu ambaye sisi wa-Kristu tunayemwabudu, ambaye kwa ki-Arabu huitwa Allah. Usishangazwe na jina Allah. Wa-Kristu ambao ni wa-Arabu nao hutumia jina Allah, wakimaanisha Mungu, kama nilivyowahi kusema katika blogu hii.
Huyu Mungu mmoja anatajwa kwa majina mbali mbali kufutana na lugha. Wa-Tumbuka wa Malawi na Zambia humwita Chiuta. Wa-Hindu humwita Brahman. Wa-Kamba na wa-Kikuyu humwita Ngai. Wachagga humwita Ruwa.
Hoja yangu ni kuwa majina yote hayo yanamtaja Mungu huyu huyu. Muumini anayeamini kuwa kuna Mungu mmoja tu, sherti akubali na azingatie hilo. Ni ushahidi kuwa Mungu alijitambulisha kwa wanadamu duniani kote tangu mwanzo kabisa.
Nimeona nitoe mawazo yangu, kwa uhuru kabisa, kwani ni haki yangu. Kama kuna anayetaka kuyajadili au kuyapinga, namkaribisha kwa mikono miwili kufanya hivyo.
Source: hapa
kwetu blog
Monday, December 3, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Simple understanding double minded man is
the man who may “know” he lacks wisdom, and may not be a hypocrite, but then
again he may be. In fact, you cannot tell just what he/she is.
A person who has doubts is thinking about two different things at the
same time and can't make up his mind about anything. A
person who have two job opportunities and be afraid to choose one, causes the
person feels like he would miss out on something if he/she only chose one
You cannot depend on this double minded
man. You ask him to do something and maybe he/she will and maybe he/she will
You cannot be sure of him/her in anything. He/she tells you he/she was a
wonderful position, but suddenly you hear he/she has quit. "No man can
serve two masters—Ye cannot serve God and mammon" (Matt. 6:24). What they
need is the single eye of Matthew 6:22.
The double minded man is actually dishonest with themselves
and others, and appears to use truth and lies in whatever situation to benefit
themselves in some way. The person is filled with hypocrisy.
In a Biblical citation a
double-minded person is someone who doubts God and His promises. He may ask God
for help, but he is unsure if God will come through for him or not. He does not
realize that his own doubts about God hinder the fulfillment of his prayers.
"That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord!". A
double minded man is actually a man who prays to the Lord yet does not trust
that the Lord hears and answers his prayers. He prays yet doubts. He can't make
up his mind. He is unsettled in his opinions.
The book of Psalm
119:113 I hate
double-minded men, but I love your law; and James 1:7 warned us, that man should not think
he will receive anything from the Lord; Therefore, their loyalty is divided
between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they are being a
double-minded man, unstable in all his ways
When we read the bible, Joseph, to me, is a perfect
example of a person who is single-minded. Even though he was repeatedly
tempted, he kept on choosing to give God his thoughts so that
God's Life could still freely come forth from his heart. Because of his choice to
stay single-minded, Joseph was easily conformed to God's image and everyone who
saw him was aware that God was with him.
Also when we read the bible, David's behavior presents a
perfect example of a double-minded man. Even though he had God's Life in his
heart and had been a man after God's own heart, he nevertheless chose to follow the needs of his own flesh
over what God was prompting him to do.
This behavior is very challenging because Even godly
men in the Bible sometimes lapsed into the double - minds situation. John, who
baptized Jesus Christ, Yet, after landing in prison, John sent men to Christ
asking, "Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?" (Luke
Why this happened to Him? John the Baptist was human,
and we humans begin to doubt when God seems not to respond to our prayers
during a crisis. (Luke 7:28).
(James 1:5-8). James describes one who is dubious and
indecisive in prayer as "a double-minded man, unstable in all his
"You ask and do not receive, because you ask
amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures" (James 4:3).
(James 1:6-8) “like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by
the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he
is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does”.
Hebrews 11:1, 3: “Now
faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. By
faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what
is seen was not made out of what was visible.”
Therefore a double-minded person is restless and confused in his thoughts, his
actions and his behavior. Such a person is always in conflict with himself. God
will not grant His blessings upon those who are double-minded. As Jesus
pointedly declared: “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one
and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other” (Matthew 6:24).
God and the things of this world are of such opposite natures that it is
impossible to love either one completely without hating the other. Those who
try to love both will become unstable in all their ways. God is a jealous God (Exodus 34:14)
and will not accept a service that is divided with Satan.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I went to the party and remembered what you said. You asked me not to drink alcohol. So I drank a Sprite. I felt proud of myself, as you said I should feel. You said I should not drink and drive, contrary to what some friends told me. I made a healthy choice and your advice was correct, as all you give me forever.
When the party finally ended, people began to drive without being able to do so. I went to my car with the certainty that he would return home in peace. I never imagined what awaited me, Mom. Now I'm lying in the street and I hear the policeman say: "The kid that caused this accident was drunk." Mom, his voice seems so distant. My blood is spilled everywhere and I'm trying with all my might not moan. I can hear the doctors say, "This girl is going to die." I have the certainty that the young man, who ran at full speed, decided to drink and drive, and now I have to die.
Why do people do this, Mom, knowing that this is going to ruin many lives? The pain is cutting me like a hundred knives. Tell my sister not to cry, tell Daddy to be strong. And when I go to heaven, I'll be watching for you all. Someone should have taught that boy is wrong to drink and drive. Maybe if his parents would have said, I would not be dying now. My breath is getting weaker, more and more. Mom, these are my last moments and I feel so desperate. I wish I could hug Mom, while I'm lying here dying. I wish I could tell you how much I love you, Mom. So .. I love ... y. .. goodbye ... "
(These words were written by a reporter who witnessed the accident. The girl, as he died, I was saying these words and the reporter wrote down ... very overwhelmed. The journalist started this campaign, if you read this note, please click " share ", so more people can be aware. Therefore, I ask one small gesture, send it to your friends, family and loved one
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