“All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them.” - Walt Disney

Saturday, September 15, 2012


  • START SAYING NO in a warm and friendly manner ;
  •  We don’t have sometimes guts to say no.
  • We always want to be liked

I think learning to say no to people is one of the best things we can do for ourselves, yet too many people is difficult. But we forget that people will like us  better and respect us more if we  say no when it's appropriate. In day to day life when you say no to someone you are letting them know that you have boundaries. You are showing that you respect yourself and at the same time it's easy to   gain respect from others because you are telling the truth behind the scene.

We need to say yes only when we have the time and true ability to do a job or fulfill the request;  the problem comes when we keep  saying  yes to everything; this can lead to  performing a bad job at everything. It is true that saying yes to everything we stress ourselves  out by overloading ourselves, and we experience increased stress when we  realize we cannot accomplish it.

Saying no  calls for a viable ability of being strong and courageous. Thinking everything has to be yes makes us avoid people, avoid life and being cowardice of our own life.  Eventually, failure to say no leads abdication, resentment, and cynicism.

I belief that It is ok to say no when somebody is asking you to step outside your true responsibilities and outside your comfort zone to take on a task that is dangerous or one that will overload you and affect your reputation.

From my perspective, Life is made up of good days and bad days, happiness and sorrow, and success and failure. And saying no should be like that, it should not be a big deal; In other words, it's not what life does to us, it's what we do in life that counts. The reason this is true is because of the natural law what scientifically they called "cause and effect." If we take care of the causes, in most cases the effects will take care of themselves.

We read in the Bible in Galatians 6:7, "Be ye not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap." The bible reminds us that  Rather, we permit other factors to influence our decisions and for the time being, forget that sooner or later we will reap the consequences of our actions.

Failure to say no is a product of our habit? Since most of our important values and habits are established when we were young for saying yes to everything; “maybe” since then we were not trained to say no; everything was yes; and if you said  no you were seen as an unrespectful; because our values, attitudes and habits, in most cases are the consequences of our actions.

As one writer wrote “The ability to say no leads to the issue of ownership ask yourself who are you?  Who owns you? always try to be yourself when you say no or yes.remember that   ; Sometimes if you don't say no you can end up hurting yourself. The challenge is in learning to say no without offending others and losing friends. Remember that a refusal is more readily accepted when given in a warm and friendly manner

Therefore the challenge is to discern when to say yes and when to say no. When both responses flow from clear thinking will be viewed as more trustworthy, and we will enjoy our comfort zone. 

According to St   Paul  when we fulfill the promise of God we need to say yes "In Jesus Christ, every one of God's promises is yes." It was our Lord himself who said, "Let your word be yes, yes, or no, no; anything else comes from the evil one." Those who have traveled his way have never found it wanting.

Lord let me learn to say no; let me do something just not to be able to please people

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