One great philosopher once said that “Great wealth is not a problem. What
counts is how you hold it”.
How should you hold wealth in your life? Do you think that wealth is ultimate
importance without it you cannot live? Why Jesus was not happy with wealth
What concerned Jesus about wealth was people’s attitude
toward it. Jesus saw that wealth is a
kind of in bondage which placed a negative condition upon believer’s spiritual
growth. In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, Jesus condemned the rich
man’s neglect of Lazarus, poor, suffering, and hungry on his doorstep.
1Timothy in Paul said that money is the root of all evil,
only the love of money. Wealth is not bad. You only have to be careful how you
hold it. If you can hold your wealth as directed in the bible, you will have chosen
the right way by putting God first with your wealth because, “Without God, life has no purpose, and without
purpose, life has no meaning. Without meaning, life has no significance…”
a clear purpose we lack the foundation on which to base our decisions, allocate
our time, or use our resource. Life becomes cluttered with choices made based
on circumstances, pressures, and emotions.
the grace of God drive your life? Does it motivate you? Knowing your purpose
gives meaning to your life. Knowing your purpose simplifies your life.
doubting how people hold their wealth by knowing that “Many
people invest their entire lives building up a legacy on earth: They want to be
remembered when they’re gone.” We should
remember that, living to create an earthly legacy is a short-sighted goal. How
much wiser to build an eternal legacy.
Dear Lord,
if I will be blessed to be a wealth man, help me discover your purposes for my
life so that I might know you, love you and faithfully serve you all the days
of my life, with my wealth as bible instruct me to do and have a positive
attitude when I hold my wealth; so that one day I may hear you say, “We’ll
done, my good and faithful servant.”