“All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them.” - Walt Disney

Wednesday, May 2, 2012



                   Life is full of mysteries that we try to unfold every single day. For different people, life is in different perspectives and how we view them determines what we believe in. We have those who do not believe in God, and try to prove it through their discoveries that the world is the way it is because if the different features it has allowed them to make something new every day and that our objective is to find them. While there are others who come with the question, how did those features come to be? Did they just happen to appear there for the world to be put together? That is when the conflicts arise between those who believe in the power higher than us and those who don’t.
Had our human mistakes (sin) had not affected science; we could have used our knowledge to learn more about God, the creator of all creations. With that knowledge, we would have made discoveries as we have done now but we would have honored God’s name instead of ours as we do now. Our discoveries are full of faults and mistakes that are not easy to correct and for some, we have no idea how to correct them. Had the fall not happened, we would have been able to perfect it.  Also had Adam and Eve hadn't eaten the fruit, we could have been able to understand science completely without any barriers, without any problems since we would not even know what sin is. Seeing science as a whole, would allow us to puzzle all the pieces that we are missing into one, since we are not focusing on only the specific things we want to know rather everything that is concerned with the subject we want to figure out. “Christ is the one through whom all things find their meaning and reason for existence”, Christ does know all the answers to our question and had the fall not happen we would have some knowledge to that meaning. Our struggle trying to find the use and the existence of science has its success yet there is always something incomplete in our discoveries that we cannot put the pieces quite together

By Rose Turuka                        KCHS         2012

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